20 November 2024
Casey Mack
This paper examines the influence of Dutch architect John Habraken on Japanese architecture, particularly in the context of his “support and infill” concept and its...
05 July 2023
Terri Meyer Boake
Height is aspirational, and having the best view from that height has become a driver in contemporary tall building design. Likewise, observation decks are a...
03 April 2023
This report shows that 147 buildings of 200 meters’ height or greater were completed in 2022, a 25 percent increase from 2021, when 118 such...
15 September 2020
Atsunari Hanai, Masayoshi Nakai, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki et al, Takenaka Corporation
Based on past experiences of natural disasters and fires in Japan, it is stipulated by law that fire-resistant buildings larger than a certain size should...
29 July 2019
Christoph Felger, David Chipperfield Architects
The new headquarters for Amorepacific, South Korea’s largest beauty company, is located in the center of Seoul, on a site which has been occupied by...
29 July 2019
Rafael Ivan Pazos Perez
This research explores the use of artificial intelligence to simulate how cities will grow vertically. By learning how cities have evolved in the recent past,...
14 March 2019
Antony Wood & Daniel Safarik CTBUH
As many architects and visionaries have shown over a period spanning more than a century, the re-creation of the urban realm in the sky through...
01 September 2018
Toru Takeuchi & Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are widely used as highly ductile seismic devices, with the first building using BRBs completed in 1989 in Tokyo, and thousands more...
01 September 2018
Yasuhiko Yamashita & Soichiro Kushima & Yuuichirou Okuno & and Taisei Morishita, Takenaka Corporation
This paper introduces three distinctive means for the use of a 189-meter high damped structure ensuring safety against earthquake: 1. Realization of L-shaped elevational structural...
30 April 2018
Angela Mejorin, Dario Trabucco, CTBUH; Reisuke Nakada, Malvinder Singh Ruprai & Ingo Stelzer, Trosifol World of Interlayers
This paper summarizes the Stage 1 results of the CTBUH Research Division’s project “Cyclone-Glazing and Facade Resilience for the Asia-Pacific Region.” The project was possible...
30 April 2018
Elena Mele, Diana Faiella, University of Naples Federico II
Inter-story isolation systems (IIS) are currently gaining significant popularity, mainly in Japan, where more than 60 applications have been realized in the past 20 years....
01 September 2017
Toru Tsuchihashi & Masaharu Yasuda, Mori Building
Installing accelerometers in a building is an effective way to know how the building shakes when an earthquake happens. In this paper, we will introduce...
01 September 2017
Masatoshi Tamari, Tadashi Yoshihara & Masato Miyashita, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc.; et al.
This paper describes some of the challenges for structural design of a mid-story seismic isolated high-rise building, which is located near Tokyo station, completed in...
01 September 2017
Takehito Kumano & Kazuhiro Saburi, Takenanka Corporation; Satoshi Yoshida, Nikken Sekkei Ltd
This paper summarizes the structural concept and design of the “Nakanoshima Festival Tower West” in Osaka, Japan, which is 200m high and has a super-high...
02 June 2017
Shuchen Xu, Yu Ye & Leiqing Xu, Tongji University
The importance of designing urban building complexes so that they obtain ‘urban’ power, rather than become isolated from the surrounding urban context, has been well...
17 October 2016
Jukka Salmikuukka, Tomio Pihkala & Samu Salmelin, KONE
Digitization is reshaping industries and driving the rise of new business models, with new ways of working and new entrants rewriting the rules in the...
17 October 2016
Patrik Schumacher, Zaha Hadid Architects
Density via high-rise structures remains a primary agenda in our era of urban concentration. It is crucial to understand the societal forces that drive concentration:...
17 October 2016
Rudi Scheuermann, Arup
Dense urban city environments consist of an agglomeration of tall buildings. The resilience of cities as a whole depends, among other components, on the resilience...
17 October 2016
Daniel Safarik, Shawn Ursini & Antony Wood; Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
The rise of the megacity presents unprecedented opportunities to understand the human urbanization phenomenon, and to observe the effects of multicore, polycentric cities growing together...
01 September 2016
Hiroshi Kawamura, Yoji Ishibashi & Tsutomu Morofushi, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei; et al
This paper describes the structural solution for the design of a 29-story high-rise tower, which features a large office space above the Kabukiza Theatre. Kabuki...
01 September 2016
Kazuhiko Kasai, Tokyo Institute of Technoogy
A much higher level of seismic performance is needed for supertall buildings due to increased demands for their functional continuities and the recognized needs for...
01 September 2016
Hideshi Aono, Osamu Hosozawa, Yozo Shinozaki & Yuichi Kimura, Taisei Corporation
Along the subduction-zone of the western Japanese islands, large earthquakes are expected occur around the middle of this century, and long-period ground motions will reach...
01 March 2016
Yukihiro Omika & Norihide Koshika, Kobori Research Complex; Yukimasa Yamamoto, et al. Structural Engineering Group
The reinforced-concrete multi-story shear-wall structure, which can free a building from beams and columns to allow the planning of a vast room, has increasingly been...
04 February 2016
Daniel Safarik, CTBUH
A growing number of tall buildings recognized by the CTBUH, through its international awards programs and research, are noteworthy not so much because of their...
28 January 2016
Shonn Mills, Ramboll; Philip Oldfield, University of New South Wales
The persistent interest in prefabricated modular construction has now turned into high-rise reality, though the results have been inconsistent. Earlier experiments with the approach resulted...
01 December 2015
Atsuo Konishi, Nikken Sekkei; Masaru Emura, Obayahi Corporation
This paper introduces the structural design and construction method for the foundation of the TOKYO SKYTREE, a new digital broadcasting tower in Tokyo, which has...
26 October 2015
Hiroo Mori, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
Skyscrapers and their surrounding developments are critical factors in determining a city’s global competitive advantage relative to other cities. These building projects are in fact...
26 October 2015
Yusuke Noguchi, Yozo Shinozaki, Hideki Ichihara & Makoto Kayashima, Taisei Corporation
Manhattan, Chicago, and Tokyo are well known as skyscraper cities. But they have many decrepit buildings built in the early 20th century. It’s a significant...
26 October 2015
Terri Boake, University of Waterloo
The rapid densification of cities is a fairly recent phenomenon and seems in many cases to be progressing without regard to important already established urban...
26 October 2015
Kengo Kuma, Kengo Kuma and Associates
As the lead interior design architect in collaboration with Ian Schrager on the EDITION Hotel in the MahaNakhon, Kengo Kuma and Associates employed their extensive...
01 September 2015
Kenichi Mizutani, Kiyoaki Hirakawa & Masato Nakashima, Takenaka Corporation
Abeno Harukas is the tallest building in Japan and is located in Abeno, which is one of the three main railway transport nodes in Osaka....
01 September 2015
Dai Shimazaki and Kentaro Nakagawa, Shimizu Corporation
Shimizu Corporation Tokyo Headquarters, one of the city’s leading office buildings, features many pioneering technologies that contribute to a sustainable society through environmental stewardship and...
20 May 2015
Masayoshi Nakai, Takenaka Corporation
This paper reviews the development and current status of seismic design for high-rise buildings in earthquake-prone Japan. Additionally, it briefly describes two important areas of...
20 May 2015
Kentaro Nakagawa & Dai Shimazaki, Shimizu Corporation; Satoshi Yoshida & Ken Okada, Nikken Sekkei
In this paper, state-of-the-art technologies and design methods for seismic isolation systems are introduced in detail, through two practical examples of newly-built high-rise buildings. In...
20 May 2015
Tetsuo Harada & Masaomi Yonezu, Takenaka Corporation
Abeno Harukas is the tallest building in Japan and one of the world’s tallest buildings directly over a railway terminal. It connects the metropolitan area...
20 May 2015
Tomohiko Yamanashi, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Japanese architecture has traditionally provided for tight integration between the façades of buildings and their overall form, as well as their interiors. Through a combination...
20 May 2015
David Malott, Keisuke Hiei & Heidi Werner, KPF; Leslie E. Robertson, LERA
“Next Tokyo” imagines a resurgent megacity, adapted to climate change through the realization of a high-density ecodistrict built on resilient infrastructure. The archipelago of reclaimed...
20 May 2015
Tomoyuki Someya, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
As a critical asset for the city of Tokyo and its international reputation, the Tokyo Sky Tree was required to incorporate fire safety strategies that...
20 May 2015
Hiroo Mori, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower
As host of the 2020 Summer Olympics, Tokyo is undertaking a major redevelopment effort, giving long-planned projects new energy under the political impetus of the...
29 April 2015
CTBUH Research
Japan is one of the world’s most densely populated nations, at an average of 339 people per square kilometer. It is also one of the...
28 April 2015
Erez Golani Solomon, Waseda University; Christian Dimmer, University of Tokyo
The Nakagin Capsule Tower, designed by Kisho Kurokawa and constructed in 1972, is an emblem of the Metabolism movement. With built-in features such as telephones,...
01 March 2015
Hiroyuki Tagawa, Tomoshi Miyamura & Takuzo Yamashita; National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention; Masayuki Kohiyama, Keio University; Makoto Ohsaki, Hiroshima University
Detailed finite element (FE) analyses of a full-scale four-story steel frame structure, subjected to consecutive 60% and 100% excitations from the JR Takatori records during...
01 March 2015
Takao Mikami & Takao Nishizawa, IHI Inspection & Instrumentation Co. Ltd.
Structural health monitoring is becoming more and more important in the domain of civil engineering as a proper mean to increase and maintain the safety,...
01 March 2015
Tomoshi Miyamura, Nihon University & National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention; Hiroshi Akiba, Allied Engineering Corporation; and Muneo Hori, University of Tokyo
In the present study, the preliminary results of a large-scale seismic response analysis of a super-high-rise steel frame considering soil-structure interaction are presented. A seismic...
31 December 2014
Daniel Safarik, Antony Wood, Marty Carver & Marshall Gerometta, CTBUH
An All-Time Record 97 Buildings of 200 Meters or Higher Completed in 2014 and 2014 showed further shifts towards Asia, and also surprising developments in...
01 December 2014
Yusuke Yamazaki, Tou Tabuchi, Makoto Kataoka, & Dai Shimazaki, Shimizu Corporation
This paper introduces recent applications of three-dimensional building/construction data modeling (3D) and building information modeling (BIM) to large-scale complex building construction projects in Japan.
01 December 2014
Yusuke Yamazaki, Tou Tabuchi, Makoto Kataoka, & Dai Shimazaki, Shimizu Corporation
This paper introduces recent applications of three-dimensional building/construction data modeling (3D) and building information modeling (BIM) to large-scale complex building construction projects in Japan.
01 December 2014
A. Ikeda, Y. Minami, K. Fujita, and I. Takewaki, Kyoto University
A method of smart system identification of super high-rise buildings is proposed in which super high-rise buildings are modeled by a shear-bending system. The method...
06 November 2014
CTBUH Research
Without big dreams, there would be no tall buildings. Conceiving, financing, designing, and constructing a skyscraper is no simple feat, even under the best of...
16 September 2014
CTBUH Research
The latest CTBUH technical guide, Green Walls in High-Rise Buildings, provides a thorough investigation of the methods used around the world for implementation of vertical...
01 September 2014
Ken Okada and Satoshi Yoshida, Nikken Sekkei
Nakanoshima Festival Tower is a 200 m high-rise complex building which contains a renewed 2700-seat capacity concert hall known as “Festival Hall” and offices including...
01 September 2014
Yasuyoshi Hitomi, Hiroshi Takahashi, & Hidenori Karasaki, Nihon Sekkei
Toranomon Hills is the main building of a large-scale re-development project located in the center of Tokyo. The remarkable feature of this high-rise building is...
11 June 2014
CTBUH Research
In this installment of Tall Buildings in Numbers, CTBUH considers how helipads are used on skyscrapers, and which are the highest in the world. The...
01 March 2014
Takeshi Kikuchi & Satoru Fujimori, MHS Planners, Architects & Engineers; Toru Takeuchi & Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
When seismic isolation system is applied to high aspect-ratio (height/wide-ratio) steel structures, there are several problems to be taken into consideration. One is lifting up...
01 March 2014
Kiyoaki Hirakawa, Kazuhiro Saburi, Souichirou Kushima & Kazutaka Kojima, Takenaka Corporation
In designing a 300 meter high skyscraper expected to be the tallest building in Japan, an earthquake-ridden country, full-scale performance based design was launched to...
01 March 2014
Shuichi Matsumoto, Osamu Hosozawa, Hiroyuki Narihara, et al., Taisei Corporation
In recent years, the performance requested for which an ultra-high rise buildings is diversified.
01 September 2013
Hideyuki Tanaka & Kazuo Ohtake, Takenaka Corporation; Yukio Tamura, Tokyo Polytechnic University; et al.
Tall buildings have been traditionally designed to be symmetric rectangular, triangular or circular in plan, in order to avoid excessive seismic-induced torsional vibrations due to...
01 September 2013
Masayoshi Nakai & Kiyoaki Hirakawa, Takenaka Corporation; Masayuki Yamanaka & Hirofumi Okuda, Obayashi Corporation; & Atsuo Konishi, Nikken Sekkei
This paper introduces the current status of high-rise building design in Japan, with reference to some recent projects. Firstly, the design approval system and procedures...
01 March 2013
Mamoru Kohno, Tokyo University of Science; and Tomohito Okazaki, Takenaka Corporation
This paper explains the Japanese present situations relevant to the fire resistance performance. Performance-based fire provisions was introduced in 1998 for the first time when...
19 September 2012
Tetsuo Harada, Kiyoaki Hirakawa & Yoshifumi Sakaguchi, Takenaka Corporation
Abeno Harukas is a 300 meter tall skyscraper scheduled for completion in Spring 2014; it will be the tallest building in Japan. Sited in a...
19 September 2012
Shuichi Otaka, Masayuki Yamanaka & Shokichi Gokan, Obayashi Corporation; Toru Tsuchihashi, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
This paper provides the overview of structural design, adopted devices and construction methods in the Toranomon-Rappongi Area Project. When this project started, construction costs of...
01 September 2012
Masayoshi Nakai, Takenaka Corporation; Norihide Koshika, Kobori Research Complex; Kenichi Kawano, Kajima Corporation; et al.
This paper introduces the outlines of review and approval processes, general criteria and usual practices taken in Japan for the seismic design of high-rise buildings....
01 June 2012
CTBUH Research
With the recent completion of two megatall telecommunication/observation towers it is perhaps time to review these structures and also explain why they are distinguished from...
01 June 2012
Taiki Sato, Taisei Corporation; Ryozo Ooka, University of Tokyo; & Shuzo Murakami, Building Research Institute
In order to use sea breezes to counter the heat island phenomena, i.e. to promote urban ventilation, it is necessary to clarify the effect of...
22 May 2012
Andrew Lawrence, Barclays Capital Hong Kong
The Skyscraper Index, which links tall building construction to economic cycles. The Index is based on the completion of the world’s tallest building, which is...
01 November 2011
Ryo Mizutani & Shigeru Yoshikai, Kajima Corporation
“Using conventional demolition methods, ten different materials could have been recycled on the job site, returning a recycling rate of 55%.The C&TD method allowed recycling...
10 October 2011
Dong-Wook Lee, Ji-Young Jung & Hideki Kobayashi, Chiba University; Shinichi Tokuda, Ichijo Komuten
The urban regeneration projects have been built many high-rise building complex in urban areas. In the future, it is expected that increase the need to...
10 October 2011
Takehito Takahashi, Noboru Sakou & Takehshi Hagiwara, Takenaka Corporation Tokyo
Park Front Tower is an office building constructed next to a city park. Due to its location beside a park in the center of Tokyo,...
10 October 2011
Thomas Bock & Thomas Linner, Technische Universität München; Shino Miura, The University of Tokyo
The Tokyo Sky Tree was constructed by using techniques and components of its Automated Building Construction System (ABCS) which they have been developing since the...
10 October 2011
Atsuo Konishi, Structural Engineering Department, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Presented in this paper is an outline of a structural design of Tokyo Sky Tree which is a new core facility of digital broadcasting for...
10 October 2011
Yupeng Wang & Hiroatsu Fukada, The University of Kitakyushu
This research presents an evaluation study on sky view factor of high-rise residences of an actual urban planning project in Japan. We compared high-rise residence...
10 October 2011
Mirsad Mustovic, Kyushu University
With the emergence of the ‘New Economy’ and rapid development of ICT technologies, solid recourses gave way to the ostensible concept of ideas and talent...
11 September 2011
Leader Interviews by Jan Klerks, CTBUH
Just as many Americans still remember exactly where they were when they heard the news that US president John F. Kennedy had been shot, most...
01 May 2011
Akira Nishimura, Takenaka Corporation Kyushu
During an earthquake or strong winds, a natural response is to hold on to something. Through Sky Gardens, the three towers of the Island Tower...
13 April 2011
CTBUH Research
Tall buildings are spreading across the globe at an ever-increasing rate. This study demonstrates the relationship between population and tall buildings across those countries and...
01 August 2010
Bridget Lesniak & Robert Neper, Perkins + Will; Donald Hamlin, Thornton Tomasetti
As cities are becoming denser, the functions of high-rises are expanding. In addition, the central business district is no longer the exclusive region of the...
05 February 2009
Paul Noritaka Tange, Tange Associates; Masato Minami, Arup Japan
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuki high rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669ft) 50-story...
01 February 2009
Jason Pomeroy, Broadway Malyan
The effects of industrial capitalism and secularism have not only seen the fall of public man (Sennett 1976) but the slow disintegration of the public...
01 January 2009
Paul Noritaka Tange, Tange Associates; Masato Minami, Arup
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuku high-rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669 ft) 50-story...
31 December 2007
333 meters high with 72 stories and 480 suites, Rose Rotana Tower in Dubai leads the list of the 10 tallest buildings completed in 2007....
31 December 2006
Nina Tower 1 in Hong Kong, at 319 meters high, leads the list of the ten tallest buildings completed in 2006. The Sports City Tower/Aspire...
10 October 2004
Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Tech.; Kenichi Ohi, Kobe University; Hiroaki Suzuki, University of Tsukuba et al.
This paper presents a new collapse control design method for high-rise steel building structures. The method presented here to prevent progressive collapse until the completion...
10 October 2004
Masamichi Sasaki, Sumitomo Metal Industries; Michio Keii, Nikken Sekkei; Shigeru Yoshikai, Kajima Corporation; Hisaya Kamura, JFE R&D Corporation
This paper presents an analytical investigation into the effect on the redundancy of steel frame structures exerted by the loss of vertical structural members destroyed...
10 October 2004
Hiroshi Watanabe, Nagasaki Insitute of Applied Science; Keiichi Katori, Yasuji Shinohara & Shizuo Hayashi, Tokyo Insitute of Technology
This paper describes the effect of lateral pre-stressing into column on the crack behavior for moderate earthquake motion, and develops the methods of preventing a...
10 October 2004
Mamoru Kohno, National Inst. for Land and Infrastructure Mgmt.; Yoshifumi Sakumoto & Mitsumasa Fushimi, Nippon Steel Corporation
Several findings to improve the structural redundancy of steel buildings in fire circumstances are discussed.
10 October 2004
Takuya Nagae & Shizuo Hayashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
This paper presents evaluating procedures for the seismic performance of the prefabricated high-strength-concrete pile. The evaluating procedures are based on the shear failure pattern and...
10 October 2004
Karel Vollers
Connecting an outer surface of complex geometry (for example a twisted, double-curved or inclined singularly curved glass or metal paneling) to a building’s superstructure implies...
10 October 2004
Yoshiteru Ohno & Taeseok Seo, Osaka University; Akira Sumi, Takenaka Corporation
This paper surveyed the high-rise RC buildings designed from 1972 till 2001 year about height of a building, structure form, material strength, etc.
10 October 2004
Keizo Shimizu, Nippon ERI Co
The paper provides images that relate to the 150-Story Millennium Tower, proposed by Foster and Partners in 1989.
10 October 2004
Hiroshi Yoshino, Tohoku University
This paper deals with energy consumption and the problems of indoor environment found in residential buildings. Especially, the issue of SBS in houses and the...
10 October 2004
Masaki Maeda, Tohoku University; Yoshiaki Nakano, University of Tokyo; Kang Seok Lee, Hanyang University
In this paper described is the basic concept of the Guideline for Post-earthquake Damage Assessment of RC buildings, revised in 2001, in Japan. This paper...
10 October 2004
Hirofumi Okuda, Mitsuru Kageyama, Masayuki Yamanaka & Matsutaro Seki, Obayashi Corporation
This paper describes development of a Hybrid Mass Damper (HMD) and its application an actual high-rise building.
10 October 2004
Tsuneo Okada, University of Tokyo
First, the lessons on building performance from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster caused by the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake are reviewed and then, some of...
10 October 2004
Takaharu Kawase, Chiba University; Toshihiro Sugiura, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
The construction rushes of tall buildings have been taken place in the center of Tokyo in Japan. Here, the outline of the latest mechanical and...
10 October 2004
Kenichi Ohi, Kobe University; Takumi Ito & Zheng-Lin Li, University of Tokyo
This paper utilizes an efficient linear-programming technique, which is termed as Compact Procedure, to evaluate the load carrying capacities before and after the member disappearance.
10 October 2004
Keiichi Katori & Shizuo Hayashi, Tokyo Insitute of Technology; Daisuke Akagi, Takenaka Corp.
The authors have proposed new reinforcing method for web opening of R/C beams. That new method is to introduce prestress force to area around web...
10 October 2004
Hiroshi Fukuyama, Building Research Institute
Collapse or severe damage has been observed in many RC residential buildings with a soft first story after previous earthquake disasters. This paper proposes a...
10 October 2004
Yozo Shinozaki, Osamu Hosozawa & Tsutomu Komuro, Taisei Corporation
The high-rise buildings with the base isolation system have been realized by studying the practical applicability of this system, that is, by extracting and resolving...
10 October 2004
Hirotomo Ohuchi, Satoshi Yamada, Hironori Negoro, et al. Nihon University
This paper discusses the appropriate design for super high-rise condominium. The population of Tokyo, which had been decreasing, began increasing in 1997. High-rise and super...
10 October 2004
Yuka Kuma & Hiroatsu Fukuda, The University of Kitakyushu
Although there are a lot of actual achievements of construction in developing cities, we cannot say that it is adequate to guarantee comfortable residential environment...
10 October 2004
Ayaka Sugiyama, Hiromichi Tomoda & An Seonju; Showa Women's University
This paper investigates the life style of the residents in a super-high-rise apartment building, and how inhabitants are strongly influenced by the surrounding environment.
10 October 2004
Seonju An, Hiromichi Tomoda & Ayaka Sugiyama, Showa Women's University
This paper examines the purchase factors for super-high-rise apartment buildings. The residents replied that the most important factor is traffic convenience, and scenery is second.
10 October 2004
Yukio Murakami, JFE Steel; M. Fushimi, Nippon Steel; H. Suzuki, University of Tsukuba
Drawing from the 9/11 events, the members of the Committee to Study the Redundancy of High-Rise Steel Buildings, which was established within the Japanese Society...
10 October 2004
Yukihiro Masuda, Nobuyuki Takahashi & Toshio Ojima, Waseda University
This paper focuses on deep underground space as the last precious unused space of the mega city, Tokyo. We present an effective way of developing...
20 November 2024
Casey Mack
This paper examines the influence of Dutch architect John Habraken on Japanese architecture, particularly in the context of his “support and infill” concept and its...
05 July 2023
Terri Meyer Boake
Height is aspirational, and having the best view from that height has become a driver in contemporary tall building design. Likewise, observation decks are a...
03 April 2023
This report shows that 147 buildings of 200 meters’ height or greater were completed in 2022, a 25 percent increase from 2021, when 118 such...
15 September 2020
Atsunari Hanai, Masayoshi Nakai, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki et al, Takenaka Corporation
Based on past experiences of natural disasters and fires in Japan, it is stipulated by law that fire-resistant buildings larger than a certain size should...
29 July 2019
Christoph Felger, David Chipperfield Architects
The new headquarters for Amorepacific, South Korea’s largest beauty company, is located in the center of Seoul, on a site which has been occupied by...
29 July 2019
Rafael Ivan Pazos Perez
This research explores the use of artificial intelligence to simulate how cities will grow vertically. By learning how cities have evolved in the recent past,...
14 March 2019
Antony Wood & Daniel Safarik CTBUH
As many architects and visionaries have shown over a period spanning more than a century, the re-creation of the urban realm in the sky through...
01 September 2018
Toru Takeuchi & Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) are widely used as highly ductile seismic devices, with the first building using BRBs completed in 1989 in Tokyo, and thousands more...
01 September 2018
Yasuhiko Yamashita & Soichiro Kushima & Yuuichirou Okuno & and Taisei Morishita, Takenaka Corporation
This paper introduces three distinctive means for the use of a 189-meter high damped structure ensuring safety against earthquake: 1. Realization of L-shaped elevational structural...
30 April 2018
Angela Mejorin, Dario Trabucco, CTBUH; Reisuke Nakada, Malvinder Singh Ruprai & Ingo Stelzer, Trosifol World of Interlayers
This paper summarizes the Stage 1 results of the CTBUH Research Division’s project “Cyclone-Glazing and Facade Resilience for the Asia-Pacific Region.” The project was possible...
30 April 2018
Elena Mele, Diana Faiella, University of Naples Federico II
Inter-story isolation systems (IIS) are currently gaining significant popularity, mainly in Japan, where more than 60 applications have been realized in the past 20 years....
01 September 2017
Toru Tsuchihashi & Masaharu Yasuda, Mori Building
Installing accelerometers in a building is an effective way to know how the building shakes when an earthquake happens. In this paper, we will introduce...
01 September 2017
Masatoshi Tamari, Tadashi Yoshihara & Masato Miyashita, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc.; et al.
This paper describes some of the challenges for structural design of a mid-story seismic isolated high-rise building, which is located near Tokyo station, completed in...
01 September 2017
Takehito Kumano & Kazuhiro Saburi, Takenanka Corporation; Satoshi Yoshida, Nikken Sekkei Ltd
This paper summarizes the structural concept and design of the “Nakanoshima Festival Tower West” in Osaka, Japan, which is 200m high and has a super-high...
02 June 2017
Shuchen Xu, Yu Ye & Leiqing Xu, Tongji University
The importance of designing urban building complexes so that they obtain ‘urban’ power, rather than become isolated from the surrounding urban context, has been well...
17 October 2016
Jukka Salmikuukka, Tomio Pihkala & Samu Salmelin, KONE
Digitization is reshaping industries and driving the rise of new business models, with new ways of working and new entrants rewriting the rules in the...
17 October 2016
Patrik Schumacher, Zaha Hadid Architects
Density via high-rise structures remains a primary agenda in our era of urban concentration. It is crucial to understand the societal forces that drive concentration:...
17 October 2016
Rudi Scheuermann, Arup
Dense urban city environments consist of an agglomeration of tall buildings. The resilience of cities as a whole depends, among other components, on the resilience...
17 October 2016
Daniel Safarik, Shawn Ursini & Antony Wood; Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
The rise of the megacity presents unprecedented opportunities to understand the human urbanization phenomenon, and to observe the effects of multicore, polycentric cities growing together...
01 September 2016
Hiroshi Kawamura, Yoji Ishibashi & Tsutomu Morofushi, Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei; et al
This paper describes the structural solution for the design of a 29-story high-rise tower, which features a large office space above the Kabukiza Theatre. Kabuki...
01 September 2016
Kazuhiko Kasai, Tokyo Institute of Technoogy
A much higher level of seismic performance is needed for supertall buildings due to increased demands for their functional continuities and the recognized needs for...
01 September 2016
Hideshi Aono, Osamu Hosozawa, Yozo Shinozaki & Yuichi Kimura, Taisei Corporation
Along the subduction-zone of the western Japanese islands, large earthquakes are expected occur around the middle of this century, and long-period ground motions will reach...
01 March 2016
Yukihiro Omika & Norihide Koshika, Kobori Research Complex; Yukimasa Yamamoto, et al. Structural Engineering Group
The reinforced-concrete multi-story shear-wall structure, which can free a building from beams and columns to allow the planning of a vast room, has increasingly been...
04 February 2016
Daniel Safarik, CTBUH
A growing number of tall buildings recognized by the CTBUH, through its international awards programs and research, are noteworthy not so much because of their...
28 January 2016
Shonn Mills, Ramboll; Philip Oldfield, University of New South Wales
The persistent interest in prefabricated modular construction has now turned into high-rise reality, though the results have been inconsistent. Earlier experiments with the approach resulted...
01 December 2015
Atsuo Konishi, Nikken Sekkei; Masaru Emura, Obayahi Corporation
This paper introduces the structural design and construction method for the foundation of the TOKYO SKYTREE, a new digital broadcasting tower in Tokyo, which has...
26 October 2015
Hiroo Mori, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
Skyscrapers and their surrounding developments are critical factors in determining a city’s global competitive advantage relative to other cities. These building projects are in fact...
26 October 2015
Yusuke Noguchi, Yozo Shinozaki, Hideki Ichihara & Makoto Kayashima, Taisei Corporation
Manhattan, Chicago, and Tokyo are well known as skyscraper cities. But they have many decrepit buildings built in the early 20th century. It’s a significant...
26 October 2015
Terri Boake, University of Waterloo
The rapid densification of cities is a fairly recent phenomenon and seems in many cases to be progressing without regard to important already established urban...
26 October 2015
Kengo Kuma, Kengo Kuma and Associates
As the lead interior design architect in collaboration with Ian Schrager on the EDITION Hotel in the MahaNakhon, Kengo Kuma and Associates employed their extensive...
01 September 2015
Kenichi Mizutani, Kiyoaki Hirakawa & Masato Nakashima, Takenaka Corporation
Abeno Harukas is the tallest building in Japan and is located in Abeno, which is one of the three main railway transport nodes in Osaka....
01 September 2015
Dai Shimazaki and Kentaro Nakagawa, Shimizu Corporation
Shimizu Corporation Tokyo Headquarters, one of the city’s leading office buildings, features many pioneering technologies that contribute to a sustainable society through environmental stewardship and...
20 May 2015
Masayoshi Nakai, Takenaka Corporation
This paper reviews the development and current status of seismic design for high-rise buildings in earthquake-prone Japan. Additionally, it briefly describes two important areas of...
20 May 2015
Kentaro Nakagawa & Dai Shimazaki, Shimizu Corporation; Satoshi Yoshida & Ken Okada, Nikken Sekkei
In this paper, state-of-the-art technologies and design methods for seismic isolation systems are introduced in detail, through two practical examples of newly-built high-rise buildings. In...
20 May 2015
Tetsuo Harada & Masaomi Yonezu, Takenaka Corporation
Abeno Harukas is the tallest building in Japan and one of the world’s tallest buildings directly over a railway terminal. It connects the metropolitan area...
20 May 2015
Tomohiko Yamanashi, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Japanese architecture has traditionally provided for tight integration between the façades of buildings and their overall form, as well as their interiors. Through a combination...
20 May 2015
David Malott, Keisuke Hiei & Heidi Werner, KPF; Leslie E. Robertson, LERA
“Next Tokyo” imagines a resurgent megacity, adapted to climate change through the realization of a high-density ecodistrict built on resilient infrastructure. The archipelago of reclaimed...
20 May 2015
Tomoyuki Someya, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
As a critical asset for the city of Tokyo and its international reputation, the Tokyo Sky Tree was required to incorporate fire safety strategies that...
20 May 2015
Hiroo Mori, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower
As host of the 2020 Summer Olympics, Tokyo is undertaking a major redevelopment effort, giving long-planned projects new energy under the political impetus of the...
29 April 2015
CTBUH Research
Japan is one of the world’s most densely populated nations, at an average of 339 people per square kilometer. It is also one of the...
28 April 2015
Erez Golani Solomon, Waseda University; Christian Dimmer, University of Tokyo
The Nakagin Capsule Tower, designed by Kisho Kurokawa and constructed in 1972, is an emblem of the Metabolism movement. With built-in features such as telephones,...
01 March 2015
Hiroyuki Tagawa, Tomoshi Miyamura & Takuzo Yamashita; National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention; Masayuki Kohiyama, Keio University; Makoto Ohsaki, Hiroshima University
Detailed finite element (FE) analyses of a full-scale four-story steel frame structure, subjected to consecutive 60% and 100% excitations from the JR Takatori records during...
01 March 2015
Takao Mikami & Takao Nishizawa, IHI Inspection & Instrumentation Co. Ltd.
Structural health monitoring is becoming more and more important in the domain of civil engineering as a proper mean to increase and maintain the safety,...
01 March 2015
Tomoshi Miyamura, Nihon University & National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention; Hiroshi Akiba, Allied Engineering Corporation; and Muneo Hori, University of Tokyo
In the present study, the preliminary results of a large-scale seismic response analysis of a super-high-rise steel frame considering soil-structure interaction are presented. A seismic...
31 December 2014
Daniel Safarik, Antony Wood, Marty Carver & Marshall Gerometta, CTBUH
An All-Time Record 97 Buildings of 200 Meters or Higher Completed in 2014 and 2014 showed further shifts towards Asia, and also surprising developments in...
01 December 2014
Yusuke Yamazaki, Tou Tabuchi, Makoto Kataoka, & Dai Shimazaki, Shimizu Corporation
This paper introduces recent applications of three-dimensional building/construction data modeling (3D) and building information modeling (BIM) to large-scale complex building construction projects in Japan.
01 December 2014
Yusuke Yamazaki, Tou Tabuchi, Makoto Kataoka, & Dai Shimazaki, Shimizu Corporation
This paper introduces recent applications of three-dimensional building/construction data modeling (3D) and building information modeling (BIM) to large-scale complex building construction projects in Japan.
01 December 2014
A. Ikeda, Y. Minami, K. Fujita, and I. Takewaki, Kyoto University
A method of smart system identification of super high-rise buildings is proposed in which super high-rise buildings are modeled by a shear-bending system. The method...
06 November 2014
CTBUH Research
Without big dreams, there would be no tall buildings. Conceiving, financing, designing, and constructing a skyscraper is no simple feat, even under the best of...
16 September 2014
CTBUH Research
The latest CTBUH technical guide, Green Walls in High-Rise Buildings, provides a thorough investigation of the methods used around the world for implementation of vertical...
01 September 2014
Ken Okada and Satoshi Yoshida, Nikken Sekkei
Nakanoshima Festival Tower is a 200 m high-rise complex building which contains a renewed 2700-seat capacity concert hall known as “Festival Hall” and offices including...
01 September 2014
Yasuyoshi Hitomi, Hiroshi Takahashi, & Hidenori Karasaki, Nihon Sekkei
Toranomon Hills is the main building of a large-scale re-development project located in the center of Tokyo. The remarkable feature of this high-rise building is...
11 June 2014
CTBUH Research
In this installment of Tall Buildings in Numbers, CTBUH considers how helipads are used on skyscrapers, and which are the highest in the world. The...
01 March 2014
Takeshi Kikuchi & Satoru Fujimori, MHS Planners, Architects & Engineers; Toru Takeuchi & Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
When seismic isolation system is applied to high aspect-ratio (height/wide-ratio) steel structures, there are several problems to be taken into consideration. One is lifting up...
01 March 2014
Kiyoaki Hirakawa, Kazuhiro Saburi, Souichirou Kushima & Kazutaka Kojima, Takenaka Corporation
In designing a 300 meter high skyscraper expected to be the tallest building in Japan, an earthquake-ridden country, full-scale performance based design was launched to...
01 March 2014
Shuichi Matsumoto, Osamu Hosozawa, Hiroyuki Narihara, et al., Taisei Corporation
In recent years, the performance requested for which an ultra-high rise buildings is diversified.
01 September 2013
Hideyuki Tanaka & Kazuo Ohtake, Takenaka Corporation; Yukio Tamura, Tokyo Polytechnic University; et al.
Tall buildings have been traditionally designed to be symmetric rectangular, triangular or circular in plan, in order to avoid excessive seismic-induced torsional vibrations due to...
01 September 2013
Masayoshi Nakai & Kiyoaki Hirakawa, Takenaka Corporation; Masayuki Yamanaka & Hirofumi Okuda, Obayashi Corporation; & Atsuo Konishi, Nikken Sekkei
This paper introduces the current status of high-rise building design in Japan, with reference to some recent projects. Firstly, the design approval system and procedures...
01 March 2013
Mamoru Kohno, Tokyo University of Science; and Tomohito Okazaki, Takenaka Corporation
This paper explains the Japanese present situations relevant to the fire resistance performance. Performance-based fire provisions was introduced in 1998 for the first time when...
19 September 2012
Tetsuo Harada, Kiyoaki Hirakawa & Yoshifumi Sakaguchi, Takenaka Corporation
Abeno Harukas is a 300 meter tall skyscraper scheduled for completion in Spring 2014; it will be the tallest building in Japan. Sited in a...
19 September 2012
Shuichi Otaka, Masayuki Yamanaka & Shokichi Gokan, Obayashi Corporation; Toru Tsuchihashi, Mori Building Co., Ltd.
This paper provides the overview of structural design, adopted devices and construction methods in the Toranomon-Rappongi Area Project. When this project started, construction costs of...
01 September 2012
Masayoshi Nakai, Takenaka Corporation; Norihide Koshika, Kobori Research Complex; Kenichi Kawano, Kajima Corporation; et al.
This paper introduces the outlines of review and approval processes, general criteria and usual practices taken in Japan for the seismic design of high-rise buildings....
01 June 2012
CTBUH Research
With the recent completion of two megatall telecommunication/observation towers it is perhaps time to review these structures and also explain why they are distinguished from...
01 June 2012
Taiki Sato, Taisei Corporation; Ryozo Ooka, University of Tokyo; & Shuzo Murakami, Building Research Institute
In order to use sea breezes to counter the heat island phenomena, i.e. to promote urban ventilation, it is necessary to clarify the effect of...
22 May 2012
Andrew Lawrence, Barclays Capital Hong Kong
The Skyscraper Index, which links tall building construction to economic cycles. The Index is based on the completion of the world’s tallest building, which is...
01 November 2011
Ryo Mizutani & Shigeru Yoshikai, Kajima Corporation
“Using conventional demolition methods, ten different materials could have been recycled on the job site, returning a recycling rate of 55%.The C&TD method allowed recycling...
10 October 2011
Dong-Wook Lee, Ji-Young Jung & Hideki Kobayashi, Chiba University; Shinichi Tokuda, Ichijo Komuten
The urban regeneration projects have been built many high-rise building complex in urban areas. In the future, it is expected that increase the need to...
10 October 2011
Takehito Takahashi, Noboru Sakou & Takehshi Hagiwara, Takenaka Corporation Tokyo
Park Front Tower is an office building constructed next to a city park. Due to its location beside a park in the center of Tokyo,...
10 October 2011
Thomas Bock & Thomas Linner, Technische Universität München; Shino Miura, The University of Tokyo
The Tokyo Sky Tree was constructed by using techniques and components of its Automated Building Construction System (ABCS) which they have been developing since the...
10 October 2011
Atsuo Konishi, Structural Engineering Department, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Presented in this paper is an outline of a structural design of Tokyo Sky Tree which is a new core facility of digital broadcasting for...
10 October 2011
Yupeng Wang & Hiroatsu Fukada, The University of Kitakyushu
This research presents an evaluation study on sky view factor of high-rise residences of an actual urban planning project in Japan. We compared high-rise residence...
10 October 2011
Mirsad Mustovic, Kyushu University
With the emergence of the ‘New Economy’ and rapid development of ICT technologies, solid recourses gave way to the ostensible concept of ideas and talent...
11 September 2011
Leader Interviews by Jan Klerks, CTBUH
Just as many Americans still remember exactly where they were when they heard the news that US president John F. Kennedy had been shot, most...
01 May 2011
Akira Nishimura, Takenaka Corporation Kyushu
During an earthquake or strong winds, a natural response is to hold on to something. Through Sky Gardens, the three towers of the Island Tower...
13 April 2011
CTBUH Research
Tall buildings are spreading across the globe at an ever-increasing rate. This study demonstrates the relationship between population and tall buildings across those countries and...
01 August 2010
Bridget Lesniak & Robert Neper, Perkins + Will; Donald Hamlin, Thornton Tomasetti
As cities are becoming denser, the functions of high-rises are expanding. In addition, the central business district is no longer the exclusive region of the...
05 February 2009
Paul Noritaka Tange, Tange Associates; Masato Minami, Arup Japan
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuki high rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669ft) 50-story...
01 February 2009
Jason Pomeroy, Broadway Malyan
The effects of industrial capitalism and secularism have not only seen the fall of public man (Sennett 1976) but the slow disintegration of the public...
01 January 2009
Paul Noritaka Tange, Tange Associates; Masato Minami, Arup
Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower is an innovative educational facility located in Tokyo's distinctive Nishi-Shinjuku high-rise district. Completed in October 2008, the 204-meter (669 ft) 50-story...
31 December 2007
333 meters high with 72 stories and 480 suites, Rose Rotana Tower in Dubai leads the list of the 10 tallest buildings completed in 2007....
31 December 2006
Nina Tower 1 in Hong Kong, at 319 meters high, leads the list of the ten tallest buildings completed in 2006. The Sports City Tower/Aspire...
10 October 2004
Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of Tech.; Kenichi Ohi, Kobe University; Hiroaki Suzuki, University of Tsukuba et al.
This paper presents a new collapse control design method for high-rise steel building structures. The method presented here to prevent progressive collapse until the completion...
10 October 2004
Masamichi Sasaki, Sumitomo Metal Industries; Michio Keii, Nikken Sekkei; Shigeru Yoshikai, Kajima Corporation; Hisaya Kamura, JFE R&D Corporation
This paper presents an analytical investigation into the effect on the redundancy of steel frame structures exerted by the loss of vertical structural members destroyed...
10 October 2004
Hiroshi Watanabe, Nagasaki Insitute of Applied Science; Keiichi Katori, Yasuji Shinohara & Shizuo Hayashi, Tokyo Insitute of Technology
This paper describes the effect of lateral pre-stressing into column on the crack behavior for moderate earthquake motion, and develops the methods of preventing a...
10 October 2004
Mamoru Kohno, National Inst. for Land and Infrastructure Mgmt.; Yoshifumi Sakumoto & Mitsumasa Fushimi, Nippon Steel Corporation
Several findings to improve the structural redundancy of steel buildings in fire circumstances are discussed.
10 October 2004
Takuya Nagae & Shizuo Hayashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
This paper presents evaluating procedures for the seismic performance of the prefabricated high-strength-concrete pile. The evaluating procedures are based on the shear failure pattern and...
10 October 2004
Karel Vollers
Connecting an outer surface of complex geometry (for example a twisted, double-curved or inclined singularly curved glass or metal paneling) to a building’s superstructure implies...
10 October 2004
Yoshiteru Ohno & Taeseok Seo, Osaka University; Akira Sumi, Takenaka Corporation
This paper surveyed the high-rise RC buildings designed from 1972 till 2001 year about height of a building, structure form, material strength, etc.
10 October 2004
Keizo Shimizu, Nippon ERI Co
The paper provides images that relate to the 150-Story Millennium Tower, proposed by Foster and Partners in 1989.
10 October 2004
Hiroshi Yoshino, Tohoku University
This paper deals with energy consumption and the problems of indoor environment found in residential buildings. Especially, the issue of SBS in houses and the...
10 October 2004
Masaki Maeda, Tohoku University; Yoshiaki Nakano, University of Tokyo; Kang Seok Lee, Hanyang University
In this paper described is the basic concept of the Guideline for Post-earthquake Damage Assessment of RC buildings, revised in 2001, in Japan. This paper...
10 October 2004
Hirofumi Okuda, Mitsuru Kageyama, Masayuki Yamanaka & Matsutaro Seki, Obayashi Corporation
This paper describes development of a Hybrid Mass Damper (HMD) and its application an actual high-rise building.
10 October 2004
Tsuneo Okada, University of Tokyo
First, the lessons on building performance from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster caused by the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake are reviewed and then, some of...
10 October 2004
Takaharu Kawase, Chiba University; Toshihiro Sugiura, Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
The construction rushes of tall buildings have been taken place in the center of Tokyo in Japan. Here, the outline of the latest mechanical and...
10 October 2004
Kenichi Ohi, Kobe University; Takumi Ito & Zheng-Lin Li, University of Tokyo
This paper utilizes an efficient linear-programming technique, which is termed as Compact Procedure, to evaluate the load carrying capacities before and after the member disappearance.
10 October 2004
Keiichi Katori & Shizuo Hayashi, Tokyo Insitute of Technology; Daisuke Akagi, Takenaka Corp.
The authors have proposed new reinforcing method for web opening of R/C beams. That new method is to introduce prestress force to area around web...
10 October 2004
Hiroshi Fukuyama, Building Research Institute
Collapse or severe damage has been observed in many RC residential buildings with a soft first story after previous earthquake disasters. This paper proposes a...
10 October 2004
Yozo Shinozaki, Osamu Hosozawa & Tsutomu Komuro, Taisei Corporation
The high-rise buildings with the base isolation system have been realized by studying the practical applicability of this system, that is, by extracting and resolving...
10 October 2004
Hirotomo Ohuchi, Satoshi Yamada, Hironori Negoro, et al. Nihon University
This paper discusses the appropriate design for super high-rise condominium. The population of Tokyo, which had been decreasing, began increasing in 1997. High-rise and super...
10 October 2004
Yuka Kuma & Hiroatsu Fukuda, The University of Kitakyushu
Although there are a lot of actual achievements of construction in developing cities, we cannot say that it is adequate to guarantee comfortable residential environment...
10 October 2004
Ayaka Sugiyama, Hiromichi Tomoda & An Seonju; Showa Women's University
This paper investigates the life style of the residents in a super-high-rise apartment building, and how inhabitants are strongly influenced by the surrounding environment.
10 October 2004
Seonju An, Hiromichi Tomoda & Ayaka Sugiyama, Showa Women's University
This paper examines the purchase factors for super-high-rise apartment buildings. The residents replied that the most important factor is traffic convenience, and scenery is second.
10 October 2004
Yukio Murakami, JFE Steel; M. Fushimi, Nippon Steel; H. Suzuki, University of Tsukuba
Drawing from the 9/11 events, the members of the Committee to Study the Redundancy of High-Rise Steel Buildings, which was established within the Japanese Society...
10 October 2004
Yukihiro Masuda, Nobuyuki Takahashi & Toshio Ojima, Waseda University
This paper focuses on deep underground space as the last precious unused space of the mega city, Tokyo. We present an effective way of developing...
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