CTBUH Platinum Member

Tongji University


Member Since: 2015

Member Offices: Shanghai

Website: https://en.tongji.edu.cn/

Tongji University is one of the leading universities in China underdirect administration of Ministry of Education, listed on “Project 985” and “Project 211”. With a history of over a century, Tongji has valued the balanced development of four functions, i.e. education, research, outreach, and culture inheritance and innovation.

Following a nationwide campaign of restructuring universities in 1952, Tongji became an engineering-intensive university with top-notch strength in civil engineering and architecture, which is second to none in terms of scale and number of disciplines. Since 1978, “two transforms” were launched, namely, the transforming to an international university by restoring links to Germany, and the transforming from a university focusing mainly on civil engineering to multi-disciplinary engineering university.

Fields of Expertise

Academic / University; Research Institute


1 Shanghai SK Group Tower

275 m / 902 ft

Building Completions Timeline


17 September 2014

2014 Shanghai International Conference - Session 04 - Q & A

2014 Shanghai International Conference Session 04 Questions & Answers session with speakers Bin Niu, ECADI, Enfang Liu, ISA Architecture, and Yiru Huang, Tongji University.

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12 December 2019

Interactive Study on Year in Review: Tall Trends of 2019

The year 2019 was remarkable for the tall building industry, with 26 supertall buildings (300 meters or taller) completed, the most in any year. This...

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01 December 2018

A Review on Fire Safety Engineering: Key Issues for High-Rise Buildings

This paper presents a state-of-the-art review on the design, research and education aspects of fire safety engineering (FSE) with a particular concern on high-rise buildings....

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1 Shanghai SK Group Tower

275 m / 902 ft


Average Building Age*

6 Years

Most Common Function*

Office (100%)

Most Common Material*

Composite (100%)

* Based on 150 m+ buildings currently in the database

Based on 1 buildings over 150 m height with a function
Based on 1 buildings over 150 m height with a material

Building Completions Timeline

Building Map

Construction Time Chart

NOTE: Construction start time is not available for all buildings. The average construction time is only displayed if there is three or more buildings with construction start and complete data in that year.

Designated Experts

Ctbuh Leaders At Tongji University

CTBUH Steel-Timber Research Project Steering Committee, 2023 – Present

Baiping Dong

Research Professor, Tongji University

CTBUH College of Fellows, 2023 – Present

Guoqiang Li

Professor, Tongji University

CTBUH China Office Board, 2024 – Present

Zhendong Wang

Professor, Tongji University

17 September 2014

2014 Shanghai International Conference - Session 04 - Q & A

2014 Shanghai International Conference Session 04 Questions & Answers session with speakers Bin Niu, ECADI, Enfang Liu, ISA Architecture, and Yiru Huang, Tongji University.

17 September 2014

From Utopia To Reality: Group-Form Megastructure

In the evolution of mega structure, the ideas mainly remain as utopian rather than putting the research into practice. In the present time which mega...

21 September 2012

Performance-Based Seismic Design: International Practices

A fundamental understanding of performance-based seismic design of building structures is extremely important. This presentation provides an overview of the developmental history of performance-based seismic...

11 October 2011

Seoul Conference 2011 Track Session 21: Q&A

Question & Answers session for Track Session 21.

10 October 2011

Seismic Performance of Core-outrigger Structure with Fuses

In this presentation, a newly-conceived energy dissipation system for the core-outrigger structure system is investigated. Buckling-restrained column (BRC) is equipped between the outrigger and perimeter...

12 December 2019

Interactive Study on Year in Review: Tall Trends of 2019

CTBUH Research

The year 2019 was remarkable for the tall building industry, with 26 supertall buildings (300 meters or taller) completed, the most in any year. This...

01 December 2018

A Review on Fire Safety Engineering: Key Issues for High-Rise Buildings

Guo-Qiang Li, Tongji University; Chao Zhang & Jian Jiang, National Institute of Standards and Technology

This paper presents a state-of-the-art review on the design, research and education aspects of fire safety engineering (FSE) with a particular concern on high-rise buildings....

01 December 2018

Progressive Collapse of Steel High-Rise Buildings Exposed to Fire: Current State of Research

Jian Jiang & Guo-Qiang Li, Tongji University

This paper presents a review on progressive collapse mechanism of steel framed buildings exposed to fire. The influence of load ratios, strength of structural members...

01 December 2018

Simulating the Response of a 10-Storey Steel-Framed Building under Spreading Multi-Compartment Fires

Jian Jiang & Chao Zhang, Tongji University

This paper presents a numerical investigation on the structural response of a multi-story building subjected to spreading multi-compartment fires. A recently proposed simple fire model...

01 December 2018

Fire Resistance Studies on High Strength Steel Structures

Wei-Yong Wang & Yue Xia, Chongqing University; Guo-Qiang Li, Tongji University

High strength steels have been widely applied in recent years due to high strength and good working performance. When subjected to fire conditions, the strength...

02 June 2017

Indoor Environmental Quality Improving and Energy Saving Potential of Phase-Change Material Integrated Facades

Qian Jin, Tongji University

The conflict between indoor environmental quality and energy consumption has become an unneglectable problem for highrise office buildings, where occupants’ productivity is highly affected by...

02 June 2017

An Analytical Approach to Measuring the Degree of Urbanity of Urban Building Complexes

Shuchen Xu, Yu Ye & Leiqing Xu, Tongji University

The importance of designing urban building complexes so that they obtain ‘urban’ power, rather than become isolated from the surrounding urban context, has been well...

01 March 2017

Foundation Differential Settlement Included Time-dependent Elevation Control for Supertall Structures

Xin Zhao, Tongji University; Shehong Liu, Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.

Due to the time-dependent properties of materials, structures, and loads, accurate time-dependent effects analysis and precise construction controls are very significant for rational analysis and...

CTBUH Initiatives Involving Tongji University

CTBUH China Participates in Urban Vision Summit

16 September 2018

CTBUH China participated in the 2018 Urban Vision of the Central Yangtze River International Summit focusing on transformative and integrated urban spaces.

CTBUH 2018 Seed Funding Winner Announced

29 August 2018

The winner of the CTBUH 2018 Research Seed Funding, sponsored by Sun Hung Kai Properties, is Dr. Ye Yu, who will research the health impacts of public spaces.

CTBUH Signboard Unveiled at Suzhou IFS

20 June 2018

Suzhou IFS recently installed a CTBUH Signboard, recognizing the building as the eighth tallest building in mainland China and the tallest building in the Jiangsu province.

CTBUH China Hosts Tall Building Symposium

19 June 2018

CTBUH China held its board meeting at Tongji University in Shanghai, which was followed by a half-day symposium titled "The Future of Vertical Cities"

Sustainable Vertical Urbanism Forum

17 October 2017

The College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University and CTBUH China will co-organize a one-day symposium on Sustainable Vertical Urbanism on Tuesday, October 17.

CTBUH China Supports Vertical Urbanism Forum at Tongji University

17 October 2017

The College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University and CTBUH China co-organized a one-day symposium on Sustainable Vertical Urbanism.