CTBUH Gold Member

Tishman Speyer


Member Since: 1982

Member Offices: New York City, Paris, Shanghai

Website: https://www.tishmanspeyer.com/

Tishman Speyer operates in 41 markets, 10 countries and 4 continents. Since its inception in 1978, TS has acquired, developed and operated over 370 projects totaling over 133.8 million square feet, and has assembled a property portfolio in excess of US $73.0 billion in total value across the United States, Europe, Latin America, India and China. TS has over 1,550 real estate professionals and support staff worldwide and serves the space needs of over 2,300 tenants worldwide. Signature assets include New York’s Rockefeller Center, Chrysler Center and Yankee Stadium, Frankfurt’s MesseTurm and OpernTurm, São Paulo’s Torre Norte, and Ventura Corporate Towers in Rio de Janeiro. Currently, TS has projects in different stages of development in major cities around the world, including Brasília, Chengdu, Frankfurt, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, San Francisco and Suzhou.

Fields of Expertise

Developer; Financial Industry; Owner (Buildings, Land)


Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.



Architecturally Topped Out

Structurally Topped Out

Under Construction

On Hold



Never Completed


Competition Entry


Proposed Renovation

Under Renovation


Under Demolition

1 JPMorgan Chase World Headquarters
423 m / 1,388  ft
2 Chrysler Building
318.9 m / 1,046  ft
3 The Spiral
313.9 m / 1,030  ft
4 The Franklin - North Tower
306.9 m / 1,007  ft
5 Axiom One
284.9 m / 935  ft
6 Comcast Building
259.1 m / 850  ft
7 MesseTurm
256.5 m / 842  ft
8 Axiom Two
250 m / 820  ft
9 CitySpire
248.1 m / 814  ft
10 MetLife Building
246.3 m / 808  ft


The Canyon at Mission Rock

Award of Excellence: The Canyon at Mission Rock

Best Tall Building, by Region, Americas 2024

Ctbuh Leaders

Charles A. DeBenedittis

Charles A. DeBenedittis

CTBUH College of Fellows, 2023 – Present

Robert Pratt

Robert Pratt

CTBUH College of Fellows, 2023 – Present

New York City

Building Completions Timeline


03 November 2016

Integrating Old with New: Hearst Tower

Sophisticated, distinctive, and transformative, Hearst Tower has profoundly impacted the skyscraper typology through its first decade of existence. Rarely has a tower so successfully integrated...

View all


23 September 2024

Talking Tall with MVRDV

In 1993, Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, and Nathalie de Vries started MVRDV. Over the intervening three decades, the practice has built a global reputation...

View all

Global News

20 March 2024

Land Acquired for a New Mixed-Use Development in Jersey City

The acquisition of land for a new mixed-use development at 50 Hudson Street and 55 Hudson Street in Jersey City has been acquired by Tishman...

View all

Associated companies

Please note that all heights shown in italics/red are estimated heights. These have been calculated based on known floor counts for the building, then extrapolated through analyzing typically hundreds of buildings of the same function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard building features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of these estimations.

1 Hudson Spire

549 m / 1,800 ft

2 JPMorgan Chase World Headquarters

423 m / 1,388 ft

3 Chrysler Building

319 m / 1,046 ft

4 The Spiral

314 m / 1,030 ft

5 The Franklin - North Tower

307 m / 1,007 ft

6 Axiom One

285 m / 935 ft

7 Macy`s Redevelopment Tower I

277 m / 910 ft

8 Comcast Building

259 m / 850 ft

9 MesseTurm

257 m / 842 ft

10 Axiom Two

250 m / 820 ft

11 CitySpire

248 m / 814 ft

12 MetLife Building

246 m / 808 ft

13 161 North Clark

230 m / 756 ft

14 130 North Franklin

229 m / 752 ft

15 ATX Tower

206 m / 675 ft

16 Shenzhen Lenovo T1

196 m / 643 ft

17 353 North Clark

190 m / 623 ft


190 m / 623 ft

19 11 Hoyt Street

188 m / 618 ft

20 500 West Monroe Street

183 m / 600 ft

21 Hearst Tower

182 m / 597 ft

22 3 Jackson Park

177 m / 581 ft

23 520 Madison Avenue

176 m / 577 ft

24 190 South LaSalle

175 m / 573 ft

24 575 Market Street

175 m / 573 ft

26 TaunusTurm

170 m / 558 ft

27 Opernturm

170 m / 558 ft

28 Concordia Corporate

170 m / 556 ft

29 Civic Opera Building

169 m / 555 ft

30 30 North LaSalle

169 m / 553 ft

31 The Summit - Plot 554

167 m / 547 ft

32 The Franklin - South Tower

164 m / 538 ft

33 10 South Wacker

159 m / 520 ft

33 30 South Wacker

159 m / 520 ft

35 One Federal Street

159 m / 520 ft

36 Torre Norte

158 m / 518 ft

37 The Atrium Serviced Apartments

157 m / 515 ft

38 International Building

156 m / 512 ft

39 The Atrium Residences

155 m / 509 ft

40 1 Jackson Park

153 m / 501 ft

41 Ventura Corporate Towers

151 m / 497 ft

42 PNC Centre

151 m / 494 ft

43 One Rockefeller Plaza

149 m / 489 ft

44 555 Mission Street

148 m / 487 ft

45 2 Jackson Park

143 m / 471 ft

46 Tour Dexia

143 m / 469 ft

47 650 California Street

142 m / 466 ft

48 High Street Tower

138 m / 452 ft

49 Rochaverá Corporate Tower C

134 m / 440 ft

50 One Park Tower

134 m / 439 ft

51 Shenzhen Lenovo T2

133 m / 436 ft

52 Chrysler East

132 m / 432 ft

53 One Gotham Center

130 m / 427 ft

53 Three Gotham Center

130 m / 427 ft

55 Mira

130 m / 427 ft

56 Florida Penthouses A

129 m / 422 ft

57 The Infinity II

128 m / 420 ft

58 The Springs Tower Phase 2 South Tower

127 m

417 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 29 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
58 Tour Cristal

127 m

417 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 29 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
60 Northern Trust Building

126 m / 415 ft

61 595 Market Street

125 m / 410 ft

62 1270 Avenue of the Americas

125 m / 409 ft

63 Tower Bridge Corporate

124 m / 407 ft


122 m / 400 ft

65 655 4th Street

122 m / 400 ft

66 600 Fifth Avenue

122 m / 399 ft

67 Two Alliance Center

121 m / 395 ft

68 Florida Penthouses B

120 m / 393 ft

69 The Atrium Office Tower

119 m / 390 ft

70 Millbank Tower

119 m / 390 ft

71 Particolare Torre A

116 m / 381 ft

71 Particolare Torre B

116 m / 381 ft

73 Mellon Bank Center

114 m / 375 ft

74 222 East 41st Street

114 m / 375 ft

75 11 West 42nd Street

113 m / 370 ft

76 222 Second Street

113 m / 370 ft

77 Alameda Jardins Residencial

110 m / 361 ft

77 Tower Edson

110 m / 361 ft

79 520 Pike Tower

110 m / 360 ft

80 Three Alliance Center

107 m / 351 ft


107 m / 350 ft

82 The Infinity I

107 m / 350 ft

83 Central SOMA Tower

107 m / 350 ft

84 Tour Esplanade

105 m / 344 ft

85 222 North LaSalle

104 m / 342 ft

86 Duo Alto de Pinheiros I

103 m

338 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 30 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
86 Duo Alto de Pinheiros II

103 m

338 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 30 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
88 525 West Monroe Street

101 m / 330 ft

89 300 Park Avenue

100 m / 328 ft

90 Two Gotham Center

100 m / 327 ft

91 The Springs Plaza 1 East Tower

97 m

318 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 22 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
92 Tower Gabrielle

96 m

315 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 28 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
93 Colony Square 100

96 m / 315 ft

94 Second & Seneca Building

96 m / 315 ft

95 AQWA Corporate

95 m / 312 ft

96 Colony Square 400

94 m / 308 ft

97 One Bush Street

94 m / 308 ft

98 Tour Pacific

93 m / 306 ft

99 Duo Design Morumbi - Tower 1

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Duo Design Morumbi - Tower 2

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Duo Design Morumbi - Tower 3

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Andira

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Araucária

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Caúna

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Cedro

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Figueira

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Jacarandá

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Jatobá

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Jequitibá

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Palmeira

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Pau Brasil

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Torre Peroba

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
99 Vila Nova

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 27 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
114 The Springs Tower Phase 2 Southwest Tower

92 m

302 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 21 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
115 Oliver Street Tower

92 m / 301 ft

116 AQWA Corporate 2

90 m / 295 ft

117 Port Corporate Tower

88 m

289 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 20 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
117 The Springs Tower Phase 2 North Tower

88 m

289 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 20 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
119 Metropolitan

85 m

279 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 25 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 9,457 other buildings of the same Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
120 Simon & Schuster Building

85 m / 277 ft

121 The Canyon at Mission Rock

81 m / 265 ft

122 Brasilia Green

75 m

246 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 17 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
123 Court Square Place

73 m / 241 ft

124 Mission Rock Building F

73 m / 240 ft

125 The Wheeler

73 m

240 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 16 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 355 other buildings of the same Office / Retail function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
126 Two Court Square

71 m / 234 ft

127 10 Rockefeller Plaza

70 m / 228 ft

128 Bank of America Building

69 m / 228 ft

129 The Springs Plaza 1 North Tower

66 m

217 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 15 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
130 375 Hudson Street

64 m / 210 ft

131 The Summit - Plot 553

58 m

190 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 16 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 331 other buildings of the same Retail / Residential function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
132 Mission Rock Building G

58 m / 190 ft

133 320 North Sangamon Street

55 m / 181 ft

134 Verde SW1

51 m / 168 ft

135 2050 M Street

46 m / 151 ft

136 Chang’An Mills Building D1

45 m / 147 ft

137 The Springs Plaza 1 South Tower

39 m

128 ft

Please note that this height is estimated, based on a floor count of 9 floors. The estimation has been arrived at by analyzing 7,162 other buildings of the same Office function on this database that do have confirmed heights. The user should be aware that non-standard features, such as significant spires or raised entrances / podiums, may affect the accuracy of this estimation.
138 55 Hudson Street


139 99 Hudson Boulevard


140 50 Hudson Street


141 Enterprise Research Campus Residential Building



Average Building Age*

33 Years

Most Common Function*

Office (69%)

Most Common Material*

Concrete (49%)

* Based on 150 m+ buildings currently in the database

Based on 39 buildings over 150 m height with a function
Based on 35 buildings over 150 m height with a material

Building Completions Timeline

Building Map